I just found this interactive map on the Coronavirus 2020-nCoV made by the JHU CSSE. I thought that this map on the evolution of the coronavirus could be interesting for my friends and I thought to do good thing to insert it in my blog.
The hyperlink to see it directly is this: Wuhan Coronavirus 2020-nCov Global Cases
The hyperlink to see it directly is this: You can see the interactive map on the Coronavirus 2020-nCoV directly below. The map displays cases and deaths in continuous updating. We hope that this new infection will be able to eradicate quickly. We really hope, as soon as I read the first analyzes and the first news, the virus seemed strangely strong and the lesson of the Chinese government, which promptly quarantined first a city of 11 million people, which is not a little, then has enlarged to quarantine to a circle that agglomerates 59 million people, almost like the whole of Italy. This reaction, right, made me think that actually this virus is particularly virulent and that it is particularly dangerous, besides the fact that they don’t know in the least how to react against this disease. Hopefully it will be resolved shortly.